When is it the right time to get help?
This was a requested blog post so I hope I can help answer any thoughts you are having. When is it the right time to get help? Well for everyone the time is different. For most people I feel the best time to get help is when you realise that this isn't the life you want to live anymore and you want to get better. In some cases the time to get help might be when you feel like you cant go on. Now you might be thinking "why not just when you know you have a problem?" In my experience (and remember these blogs are simply my opinion not medical advice) whenever I have looked for help but deep down not wanted to get better it didn't make a difference. I would go to counselling or talk to my friends but I would always take a step backwards in my recovery and end up lying to people. The only time that doctors or any form of help have actually helped me was when I wanted to be helped. Now in some cases I feel that help will be needed when you are not ready to get better and ...