What is Mental Health?
Recently I posted a video on my facebook and instagram looking for peoples' descriptions of mental health. Not just illness but mental health as a whole. I'm very lucky to have received feedback from mental health nurses, fitness professionals, people who have experienced mental health problems along with friends and family. Some are things people have heard in podcasts or from talks and others their own personal feelings. If you have anything you feel you would like to add to this please comment below or email me at amelia.gourlay1@gmail.com I hope that some of these statements can help others understand what mental health is allowing them to talk more openly about it. Feel free to leave any comments below. Mental health, to me is feeling content; mind, body and spirit. To be comfortable in the skin you’re in and appreciate your body and mind for all it is and all it does for you. To me, mental health is what it is to be unique, to be yourself, to be human. To me mental ...